Christmas Backgrounds

Please choose your desired background and Layout. Scroll down to see all backgrounds and layouts available on our system. Please see the sample images at the bottom of the page for more clarification.

*** Please visit our new collection of Christmas backgrounds here: ***

Christmas Backgrounds on our system

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Plain Colour Backgrounds

If you prefer plain colour as the background for your pictures instead of above backgrounds, then please select your favourite colour from here and provide us the corresponding six digit code displayed.

From Your Own Collection

You can even choose a nice scenery/picture from your collection but it needs to be a high quality jpeg file. Please don’t forget to send us the jpeg file if you go for this option.

Backgrounds from Internet

Don’t like any of the above options? No problem. You can provide your desired background as a high quality jpeg file from thousands of backgrounds on the internet.

Here are few suggestions:  Party Backgrounds    Wedding Backgrounds  Birthday Backgrounds   (Click on the desired image–>click on view image –> then send send us the corresponding url)

Please note that upto 80% of the background you choose will be covered by four images depending on the layout you choose. Please see the sample pictures at the bottom of this page for more clarification.


Sample Pictures

Sample picture with Green screen (Background : B101 Layout: L106 ) :

Sample picture without Green screen (Background : B101  Layout: L106 ): 

Sample picture with Green screen (Background : B134  Layout: L101):

Sample picture without Green screen (Background : B134  Layout: L101): 

Sample picture with Green screen (Background : B124  Layout: L105):

Sample picture without Green screen (Background : B124  Layout: L105):

Sample picture with Green screen (Background : #F0B9EC (pink)  Layout: L106):

Sample picture without Green screen (Background : #F0B9EC (pink)  Layout: L106

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